Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Time Flies!!!!!

Well, it's been almost three months since our last posting. We three do apologize to those who have been checking back regularly to find nothing new. This past spring semester has wiped out both Sherry and I... not to say that we are any less busy now (go figure!)

But enough is enough! Brandy is growing by leaps and bounds. No new words since the last post but boy is she turned into a little energizer bunny. She crawls EVERYWHERE and is on the brink of her first steps ( in the next few weeks I'm sure.) She stands and cruises on all the furniture, stands on her own, and takes steps when you hold her hands. Like I said she is getting big. I think over the next few days we will be posting some catch up images and video, just to show you what has been happening since mid March. Then we will be back to new content, since Brandy is less than a month away from her first Birthday!!!

Also, check out the links to the left, since we posted a bunch of the images from the past three months on Flickr. Enjoy!!


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